Saturday 21 May 2011

Weekly Trade Reports

If you NEED trading to be complicated or complex, stop reading now and definitely don't come to one of my classes!” – Rick Wright
“If a strategy sounds complicated, it likely does not work.” – Sam Seiden
It’s unthinkable that many traders use complicated methods to trade. Some traders combine several pieces of expensive charting software and indicators together, thinking that it would enable them to make more accurate trades. They forget that they’d hardly achieve over 50% accuracy on a long-term basis. A combination of several indicators and complicated trading ideas doesn’t improve the stats. This combination would only cause analysis paralysis. You might be deceiving yourself that you have a higher hit rate with your trading system. This is illusory. If a coin was tossed endlessly, the long-term share between heads and tails would be a well balanced 50/50. But there’ll be times when heads would remain ahead several months long or the other way round. You may get a head several times in a row, then a few times a tail, and then many times a head; making you to conclude that you got a better hit rate. But ultimately, the hit rate would level out at 50%
Each indicator has a different way of generating signals and when most of them finally agree, the winning edge is likely gone. Generally when you combine several indicators and look for a million reasons to enter a position, you’re making your trading life unnecessarily hard.
A single moment’s carelessness or psychological weakness on the part of a trader may ruin the work performed during an entire trading day or even a whole week. Basically a trader trades his account and not the market. Consequently, he should always keep an eye on the volatility of his account. During drawdowns position sizing must be reduced drastically. Only that way can a trader get through bad patches and ensure his long-term survival. This has nothing to do with how you make your trading decisions, but it has a lot to do with how you manage your risk.
How can a trader gain over 250% in a short time, only to have up to 85% drawdown in his trading portfolio within another short period of time? The answer is that the person doesn’t know about effective position sizing and risk management. Plus he/she may be using excessive leverage indiscriminately. Mike Kulej, a maverick of the financial markets, explains that brokers overplay the availability of leverage. They manage to point out advantages, but not the risks. Leverage itself will not make anybody better trader, it will only magnify losses and gains. In addition, trading with high leverage adds to the already highly emotional nature of this activity. It is natural that a trader wants to make as much money as possible, but before using leverage, one should prove it to him/herself that the account is actually growing.
I’d suggest trading with very small position size.
I once said that your chart needn’t look like a Michelangelo’s painting before you can make better trades. In one of my coming articles, I’ll show you how thousands of pips can be made from trading with only one indicator. I even know one popular and permanently successful funds manager who doesn’t use any indicators: he only follows the trend he sees on the charts. The truth is that it’s thru safe and sensible position sizing and risk management that we meet our trading objectives, not thru complicated analyses that supposedly give us entry signals.
Please clean up your charts, and thus make life considerably easier for yourself. If you need to know whether the market is moving up or down or sideways, simply look at your chart. You don’t need fancy indicators to tell you if a chart is trending or not, all you need to know is contained in the price action itself.
NB: Please watch out for my coming articles with these titles: ‘Worst-case Scenarios’, ‘Effective Swing Trading In Forex’, ‘Advanced Gap Trading’, ‘Resist The Lure Of High Risk (Part 2)’, ‘Developing The Right Attitude Towards Losses’, ‘3 Recent Gap Trades,’ ‘Trading For A Livelihood,’ etc.
I’d like to conclude this article with more quotes from Mike Kulej:
1. “Incidentally, all types of technical analysis will have good and bad times. Does not matter what indicator, pattern or charting method is used, nothing is 100% correct. The trick is to not to get discouraged during losing periods, which are sure to happen.”
2. “This may sound old and worn out, but always use stops. You will not get mega rich in a day, yet can go broke in one if, a stop is not in place… Preserve your capit
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Forex Trading News – Euro rebounds off 6 week low as commodities gain

six-month low against the Dollar earlier. The Single currency bounced off 1.4122 to rise over 150 pips to 1.4275. The pair opened the Asian session at 1.4237 and hovered around that level, without much volatility.
The appreciation of the greenback was halted as oil bounced back today, influencing  the dollar’s strength since the two usually have an inverse relationship.
“Commodity markets are in the driver’s seat for currency markets,” said Mary Nicola, a New York-based currency strategist at BNP Paribas SA. “We have seen a bounce back in oil today, and so that has affected dollar strength.”
Meanwhile, as investors continued to shed dollar-funded bets on riskier assets Thursday, the Euro seized its chance to edge higher against its main counterparts, even as concerns lingered about the debt crisis in the Eurozone’s fiscally stressed periphery.
However, hawkish comments from European Central Bank officials gave investors high hopes of possible higher rates to come, boosting demand for euros even on a day when demand for other risk-positive currencies was low.
Later in the day, GDP data from major euro zone members including could further boost the common currency.
The International Monetary Fund said on Thursday it still was willing to consider giving Greece more time to repay its bailout loan of 30 billion euros.

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3 Forex Tips for Novice Traders

Last week, you learned that forex trading comes with a risk, which comes with any form of investment be it through stocks or securities. But the risk that comes with currency trading, as we have said, can be lessened through careful study and prudent analysis.
A sculpture showing the Euro currency sign is seen in front of the European Central Bank (ECB) headquarters in Frankfurt April 7, 2011.
You don't have to earn a degree in currency trading to be able to discern how forex trading works, although there's a lot of free and conveniently available forex education materials or courses around the web. The free forex ebook Introduction to Forex Exchange features the Golden Rules of Forex which are helpful and practical forex tips that streamlines what to keep in mind when you trade your currency pairs. You can also avail of the free forex ebook offered by the award-winning Go Markets by signing up here.
For the purpose of this article, we collated more free forex tips for beginners in foreign exchange. Additionally, you can peruse our free forex education section to familiarize yourself forex terminologies such as Spots and Forward Trading. But before you do that, here are carefully selected tip for forex trading novices:
Don't get overwhelmed by data. Forex traders that gets overwhelmed by data are more likely to make mistakes. If you ever find the data displayed on your monitor quite overwhelming, don't be afraid to take a break. It is more prudent to stand up, go to the water cooler for a drink or take a walk, than allow yourself the likelihood of making a mistake simply because you were overwhelmed by the data. Relax for a while, and when you are ready to get back to your trading, you can do so with a more energy to boot.
No master key in forex trading. A master key is one that promises to unlock secrets to success. There's no such thing in forex trading. Master keys, like the fictional unicorn or centaurs, don't exist in the real world. No one can guarantee you a sure profit in forex trading. But many will attempt to do so. Don't be fooled.
As previously said above, forex trading do comes with a risk, but this isn't mutually exclusive to forex trading. Risk comes in any other form of investment. However, keep in mind that in forex trading, using study and analysis, the risk can be mitigated.
Being patient has its rewards.  A lot of forex traders---especially, the beginners---makes the mistake of expecting a huge profit all at once. Although the possibility is not precluded, making a lot of money all at once is not the general rule. Sure, George Soros made $1 billion in breaking the Bank of England (BOE), but that's rather remarkably exceptional that in fact IBTimes listed it as one of greatest trades of all time.
If the exception is George Soros, the general rule would be more of stock trader Warren Buffet. The later is not known for a single trade or trade idea, but Buffet was surely profitable, having built the bulk of his current portfolio in the 60s and 80s and in varied and numerous industries. The lesson is: you should slowly build your money over a large spread and by employing a consistent forex strategy. That said, by being patient, you can be sure to withstand fluctuations in the forex trading market.
Visit us regularly for more forex trading tips and news. Along the way you might encounter technical terms on forex trading. Our forex education section offers free and accessible materials that explains them.
If you are interested in Foreign Exchange, you can increase your Forex Education for Free. Read the Golden Rules of Trading laid down on the e-book from GoMarkets by signing up here.
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Algorithmic trading fuels IT in forex: Study

MF Global's Kemp Sees Opportunities In Forex Market Evolution

Regulatory change is "democratizing" the global currency market and creating openings for challengers to the banks that dominate trading, the new head of global foreign exchange at MF Global Holdings Ltd. (MF) said Wednesday.
The appointment of James Kemp to lead its forex push is part of the effort by MF Global Chief Executive Jon Corzine to remake the futures brokerage into a full-scale investment bank within five years.
"Some of the smaller companies involved in FX now have the opportunity to find gaps where large institutions are not covering clients in the way that they want to be covered," Kemp said in an interview Wednesday.
Corzine, the former New Jersey governor and Goldman Sachs (GS) chief, has directed MF to take the other side of client trades in markets like foreign exchange and intends to weave currency trading capabilities into a planned global platform for retail investors.
Kemp previously was co-founder and partner of Cogence Capital LLC, a short-term quantitative currency trader, which he said gives him a view into the advent of electronic trading in the $4 trillion per day forex market.
"In some areas you can compete with the universal banks because of the greater access to prices that the growth of electronic access has brought along," he said.
Broader availability to credit via prime brokerage services has allowed smaller, electronic firms to compete for currency trades against much-better capitalized giants of the business, he said.
A crop of electronic venues for trading in the spot cash market, bolstered by the influx of new forex traders, has helped develop "a more level playing field than there used to be," according to Kemp.
Regulators in the U.S., the U.K. and Europe, Kemp said, are likely to align on new requirements for certain foreign exchange derivatives to be "cleared," or processed by central counterparties that reduce the risk of broad market upheaval if a major trading participant defaults.
"I'd be surprised if [U.S. and European regulations] are not very similar images of each other," he said, as authorities seek to guard against traders gravitating toward more lightly-regulated jurisdictions.
The U.S. Treasury last month said it intended to exclude many currency derivatives from clearing requirements, but customized foreign-exchange options, swaps and non-deliverable forward contracts wouldn't be exempted. The Bank for International Settlements this week estimated that the level of outstanding currency derivatives trades worldwide climbed to $57.8 trillion in the second half of 2010.
"If these products are centrally cleared, some of the control that the larger institutions have on that market is going to be broken down," Kemp said. "It gives other people an opportunity to participate in those more credit-intensive products."
Kemp's move to MF Global reunites him with Richard Moore, picked by Corzine last year to oversee European operations. Both previously spent more than a decade at Citigroup (C), and Kemp will report to both Moore and Corzine.
MF Global is due to report fiscal fourth-quarter earnings Thursday.
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Forex Market: Spain’s Trouble Leads To Eerie Risk Aversion

Yesterday the market starts with eerie risk aversion momentum building because of the fear of the Spain’s banking trouble that are continuously suppressing the Forex trading market. We have noticed a lack of unity in the Euro zone member nation’s community as the German members are unhappy due to the joint EUR bond issue since it cause the nation to lead by using wrong policies. The euro zone financial calendar specifies about the increment of industrial orders to 5.2 percent along with ECB announcement of one week fixed term deposits.
FOMC minutes in US specifies about the favor coming from the three regional banks for the first rate hike to 1 percent as it helps to regain the past discount structure of interest rate. Although these are the concerns related to the economic recovery leads to the fear in the market but we know that there is a ray of hope in every dark night as this proves true by the consumer index as it gets the market into a surprise by reaching to the 63.3 level beyond the expectations of market.
US market equities after getting this news erased all its losses and closes at 0.4 percent at the late forex session. S&P also get a rise of 0.3 percent in this whole month. Where as the currency pair of USD/JPY also shown a high yesterday by reaching to 90 level. In UK there was a quarterly report release takes place yesterday which results shows a growth rate after the meeting. It also mentions about the cut in Government spending along with the public sector wages where as private consumption seems to be flat in the next quarter.
US labor market are seems to be in worry after the last week’s report of the US jobless claims that unexpectedly leads the sharp rise in the market. This news may rise a double dip recession if the US labor market seems to be stalled. The European country debt crisis was an obstacle for the US economic recovery and embeds the more concerns about the global economic recovery to the labor market in US. In the past US have made 500k jobs since market signifies that it may reflect the employment report improvement of BLS. Although we have noticed that the jobless claims had fallen sharply below the expectations eventually but the claim report still in the level above and would confirm that the US is still making more number of jobs than losing.
The Korean currency falls leads the Asian market fall yesterday. the trading in US dollars will remain instable from the morning session and the euro is also seen in the downtrend. The USD/JPY leads to Sterling currency under pressure after the drop down in yesterday market. Instead of all these things the EUR/GBP and GBP/JPY was seems to be a big mover of the day and reaches to the high level after crossing the four yen. These all happenings of Yesterday leads the market to the V variety across the board.
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The Morning Forex Fake-Out Trade

Many traders are aware that when a market opens there are often whipsaw-like actions (or what some may call "fake outs") before a stronger trend emerges. With currencies the market is open 24 hours during the week, therefore many traders don't see the forex market as having an "opening" session. Yet this is not true. Banks in different parts of the world open for business, and with that, a larger volume enters the market. Therefore currencies are not immune from the morning "fake out." As stop levels are cleared on either side of the open price, a stronger trend will often emerge. This trend may not last, but by knowing there is often a fake out followed by a stronger move, traders can position themselves for taking advantage if they implement the proper strategy. Opens to WatchNot every currency's open is worth paying attention to. Ideally, traders will want to watch the most liquid currency pairs, and also look for pairs that see a large increase in volume/participants as the country/zone opens.
Because of how major market's business days overlap with one another, the European open is an ideal candidate for trading the open. One main reason for this is that pairs such as the GBP/USD or EUR/USD are not as heavily traded prior to the open, but when Germany opens followed one hour later by London at 3am EST (please be aware of impacts of daylight savings time) volume ensues. The yen is traded heavily in the Tokyo session but as London opens there is an overlap with the Tokyo session resulting in increased volatility for the GBP/JPY and EUR/JPY. The CHF/USD is also worth watching.
Therefore we have several pairs to watch starting at about 1:30 (pre-market open) till about 4am EST (one or two hours after the markets open) to watch for a set-up. Since not all signals will occur at the same time, several pairs can be traded.
The Set-UpPrior to a major market opening, forex pairs will often move within relatively small ranges. This is not always the case though. There may be a lot of movement prior to the European open, on days such as this the set-up will be harder to see (and may not exist), therefore caution is warranted on using this strategy on such days. The set-up should be watched for on a 15 minute chart.
1. We ideally want a calm pre-market, or one that has a definable pre-market range. This range will be marked on our chart pre-market and then we will watch for the European open to begin.
2. A breakout of that range is likely to occur. We do nothing as this is quite possibly a false breakout. Ideally we want this breakout to be small, 10-30 pips (or no more than one third of the daily average range).
3. We watch for an engulfing candle pattern (or any candle which shows a strong movement in the opposite direction over one or two bars) in the opposite direction of the original breakout (for example, if the range breakout was down, we watch for a bullish engulfing pattern).
4. We make a trade in the direction of the engulfing pattern.
5. A stop is placed just below the low (high) of the bullish (bearish) engulfing pattern.
6. Profit target(s) is based on average movement during the early European session or the daily average range (trades will generally take longer to exit if using the larger daily figure).
7. Similar to a trailing stop, a new engulfing pattern in the opposite direction of our trade can be used as an optional exit.
Potential IssuesBefore showing examples of the trades, there are several things traders should be aware of. No strategy is perfect, therefore the best outcome is to aim to maximize the good trades, and minimize the losing ones (because they will occur). Here are few guidelines which can be added to the system to aid in its effectiveness:

FORX TRAD : Forex International Trading Corp. Announces Conference Call to Review Q1 2011 Financials and Business Outlook

Forex International Trading Corp. (the "Company") (OTCBB:FXIT), today announced that the Company will report its 2011 first quarter financial results on Friday May 20, 2011.
The Company will also host a conference call to discuss its first quarter financials for fiscal 2011 as well as the Company's business outlook for the remainder of the year. The call will take place after the close of the market on Wednesday May 25, 2011 at 4:15 p.m. (EDT) and will be open to all shareholders and interested parties.
The conference call will be conducted by President and CEO, Darren Dunckel, "Our consolidated financials will show over $3 million in revenue in the first quarter. We look forward to discussing with our shareholders and the investment community the growth that we have experienced over the last year in the Forex market space and to discuss our current and future projects that we hope to accomplish this year."
This conference call will be available by dialing 712-432-0900. The conference ID number is 758771.
About Forex International Trading Corp.
Headquartered in New York, NY, Forex International Trading Corp. operates an offshore advanced online trading platform for Forex markets to non U.S. residents. The Company focuses on providing individual and institutional investors with a platform for buying and selling currencies, precious metals and commodity futures. The company's platforms allow self-directed, broker-assisted, and managed accounts. Through the platforms, customers have access to over 20 currencies and bullion deliveries. The Foreign Currency Market ("Forex" or "FX") is created by the global exchange of currencies. According to the Bank for International Settlements, the average daily turnover, or, volume in the Global FX market in April 2010 was $4 Trillion compared to only $1.2 Trillion in 2001 (Wall Street Journal, Sept. 1, 2010). Historically, access to the FX market was only available to governments, commercial banks, corporations, and other large financial institutions. The Company is now capitalizing on the growth of online currency trading through its state of the art web-based trading platforms.
For more information, please visit:
Forward-Looking Statements: This press release contains forward-looking statements, including expected industry patterns and other financial and business results that involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause our actual results, levels of activity, performance or achievements to differ materially from results expressed or implied by this press release. Such risk factors include, among others, whether Forex International Trading Corp. can successfully execute its operating plan; its ability to integrate acquired companies and technology; its ability to retain key employees; its ability to successfully combine product offerings and customer acceptance of combined products; general market conditions; and whether Forex International Trading Corp. can successfully develop new products and the degree to which these gain market acceptance. Actual results may differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statements in this press release. Forex International Trading Corp. does not undertake any obligation to update or revise forward-looking statements to reflect changed assumptions, the occurrence of unanticipated events or changes to future operating results.
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WORLD FOREX: Euro Rally Fades Amid Pre-Weekend Jitters

-- Euro fails to sustain break above $1.43 against dollar
-- Talk of large euro sales overhang
-- Swiss franc reverses losses after mixed central bank messages
By William Kemble-Diaz 
LONDON (Dow Jones)--The euro gave up its gains against the faltering dollar in European trading hours Friday, as talk of a large overhang of potential euro sales, and concern about anti-austerity protests in Spain, capped the common currency's rise.
Like other major currencies, the euro cranked higher against the dollar Thursday following soggy U.S. manufacturing data indicated persistent weakness in the U.S. economy. The pound and Australian dollar largely held onto those gains Friday.
But the Spanish protests reminded investors of the biggest potential domino should euro-zone policymakers fail to contain Greece's debt problems, and widespread talk of options barriers being fiercely defended at the $1.4360 area, capped the euro's rise.
More broadly, Kit Juckes, head of currency research at Societe Generale, said a weaker dollar bias was settling in because investors had downwardly adjusted growth expectations and were satisfied--at least for now--that the global economic cycle is passing through a soft patch rather than poised for a reversal, even as the end of U.S. quantitative monetary easing looms.
"The natural reaction of markets is to look for the floor once you've reached the ceiling in the growth rate," citing the drag on growth from Chinese monetary tightening, high oil prices, Japanese disasters, budgetary cutbacks and fading U.S. fiscal stimulus.
But that process of downward adjustment appears to have run its course, putting the attention back onto the ample liquidity sloshing around financial markets and encouraging investors to load up on riskier, higher-yielding assets.
"For currencies that really means... a returning theme of the yen, the Swiss franc and the dollar not being the world's favorite currencies," Juckes said. "So the euro can head back through $1.45 and toward $1.50 on that basis, the dollar can make it up to Y83 again, and even the Australian dollar can get back its mojo."
But he emphasised that a pre-weekend close in the euro above $1.43 against the dollar would be key, particularly with the $1.4360 option set to expire early next week.
A move out in Spanish bond spreads also showed fixed income investors were mildly unnerved by regional elections due at the weekend in Spain, against a backdrop of mounting political demonstrations, causing some strategists to curb their enthusiasm for the single currency.
"In the short term, the euro is more likely to push higher against the dollar, even though the news from the euro zone is not going to be great," said Steve Barrow of Standard Bank. "I'm not that sure we can get back above the highs again, back above $1.50-plus."
The Swiss franc provided some intrigue, cranking higher to reverse losses seen Thursday after the country's economy minister seemed to suggest that the Swiss central bank might take action against its strong currency.
However, while the pre-prepared text of his speech included this note, the speech itself did not, Dow Jones Newswires reported Friday. That revelation may have been a factor behind the franc's ascent in London trading hours Friday, Citigroup said in a note to clients.
The data calendar was quiet in European hours. Figures showing the euro zone's current account deficit narrowed in March had little impact on currency markets.
Up ahead is Canadian CPI data, with the market looking for some direction on the timing of the next Canadian interest rate hike and the Canadian dollar holding around CAD0.9653 against the U.S. dollar.
Among emerging market currencies, the South African rand extended its gains in the wake of regional elections earlier in the week in choppy trade to trade at ZAR6.884 against the dollar.
"There's a lot of noise but not really much direction, a bit like other currency markets," he said.
At 1144 GMT, the euro was trading at $1.4269 against the dollar, compared with $1.4312 late Wednesday in New York, according to trading system EBS.
The dollar was at Y81.57 against the yen, compared with Y81.59, while the euro was at Y116.42 compared with Y116.80, after the Bank of Japan left rates unchanged as expected.
The ICE Dollar Index, which tracks the dollar against a trade-weighted basket of currencies, was trading at 75.25 compared with 75.399 late Wednesday in New York.
A summary of key levels for chart-watching technical strategists is below:
Forex spot:       EUR/USD    USD/JPY    GBP/USD    USD/CHF 
Spot 1034 GMT     1.4274     81.56      1.6244     0.8810 
3 Day Trend       Bullish    Bullish    Range      Bearish 
Weekly Trend      Bearish    Bearish    Bearish    Bearish 
200 day ma        1.3808     83.49      1.5987     0.9514 
3rd Resistance    1.4389     82.23      1.6355     0.8947 
2nd Resistance    1.4360     82.05      1.6304     0.8880 
1st Resistance    1.4345     81.87      1.6285     0.8828 
Pivot*            1.4281     81.76      1.6203     0.8817 
1st Support       1.4245     81.46      1.6211     0.8779 
2nd Support       1.4236     81.39      1.6139     0.8764 
3rd Support       1.4206     81.25      1.6107     0.8695 
Forex spot:       EUR/GBP 
Spot 1034 GMT     0.8784 
3 Day Trend       Bullish 
Weekly Trend      Bearish 
200 day ma        0.8634 
3rd Resistance    0.8881 
2nd Resistance    0.8858 
1st Resistance    0.8840 
Pivot*            0.8816 
1st Support       0.8773 
2nd Support       0.8761 
3rd Support       0.8725 
-By William Kemble-Diaz, Dow Jones Newswires; 44-20-7842-9347;
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FX Technical Weekly

US Dollar (2yr and 10yr yields)
052011FXTW_body_usd.png, FX Technical Weekly
Prepared by Jamie Saettele, CMT
Jamie – After stalling at resistance from the 4/18 high and 3/7 low, the USD has traded back towards the highs today. Trading above 7600 would shift focus higher in a 3rd wave towards the 2/14 high and 200 day average at 7887-7932. Any weakness should find solid support at 7400/40.
JoelAlthough the overall downtrend has been quite intense, the market could be showing signs of basing following the latest impressive rebound. Look for a break back above the 1April high on to officially confirm bullish reversal prospects and accelerate gains. However, inability to establish above the 1Apr high will keep the pressure on the downside and open a retest of the recent trend lows. A more constructive weekly chart does help to reaffirm recovery outlook.
Euro / US Dollar
052011FXTW_body_eurusd.png, FX Technical Weekly
Prepared by Jamie Saettele, CMT
Jamie – As long as price is above 14050, potential remains for strength towards 14500-14600 in a larger correction. It is also possible that a more important B wave low is in place (as per the count above) but confirmation is lacking from short term price action. Trading below 14047 would negate any upside potential and shift focus to 13860-13900.
JoelThe corrective rally out from 1.4050 continues with the market breaking back above 1.4300 thus far. However, any additional gains from here should limited to the 1.4400-1.4500 area, and we would be looking for the formation of a fresh lower top in favor of the next major downside back below 1.4050. Ultimately, only a daily close back above 1.4500 would delay.
British Pound / US Dollar
052011FXTW_body_gbpusd.png, FX Technical Weekly
Prepared by Jamie Saettele, CMT
Jamie – The GBPUSD has tested channel support but additional weakness would target the 100% extension of the decline from 16476 is at 16041. A line that extends off of the May 2010 and December 2010 lows is just above there today. The channel defines the trend for now.
JoelThe market is starting to give way, with the price now dropping back below the 50-Day SMA to warn of additional declines over the coming sessions. Look for deeper setbacks below 1.6000, with any rallies now expected to be well capped ahead of 1.6400. Ultimately, only back above 1.6520 gives reason for concern.
Australian Dollar / US Dollar
052011FXTW_body_audusd.png, FX Technical Weekly
Prepared by Jamie Saettele, CMT
JamieContinue to look higher towards 10715. Trading above there would be an indication that a larger triangle or flat pattern is underway from the 11011 high. I showed my JSINT indicator this week (combination of interest rate and price trend). The current reading is at a level consistent with price lows. With a triangle or flat underway, I expect range trading to take hold over the next few weeks and perhaps months.
JoelLast Friday’s bearish price action has officially confirmed a fresh lower top by 1.0890 and further weakness appears to be in the cards from here. Look for a fresh downside extension and acceleration towards previous medium-term resistance now turned support by 1.0250. In the interim, any intraday rallies should be well capped below 1.0750 on a daily close basis.
New Zealand Dollar / US Dollar
052011FXTW_body_nzdusd.png, FX Technical Weekly
Prepared by Jamie Saettele, CMT
JamieThe NZDUSD continues to lead the pack – it is possible that a larger flat or triangle is underway from the May high (the implications in both patterns are for strength close to and possibly just above 8120 before weakness back towards 7750). Near term, favor the upside as long as price is above 7860 – an objective is 8040/50.
JoelThe latest break below 0.7820 is significant and suggests that a key top is now in place by 0.8120. From here, look for deeper setbacks towards next key support in the 0.7600’s by the 50/100-Day SMAs. The 10-Day SMA is showing a negative cross with the 20-Day SMA to further confirm negative outlook, and as such, any intraday rallies from here should be well capped below 0.8000 on a daily close basis. Below 0.7755 accelerates, while only back above 0.8000 concerns.
US Dollar / Japanese Yen
052011FXTW_body_usdjpy.png, FX Technical Weekly
Prepared by Jamie Saettele, CMT
Jamie – The USDJPY has broken to a new high for May which suggests that the low for the month is in place at 7956 (as per the tendency for the high OR low for the entire month to register during the first 5 days of the month). When combined with the fact that the USDJPY low was just below its 61.8% retracement of the rally from the March low, it is likely that an important secondary low is in place. Near term support is 8100/20 and price should remain above 8033 on its way towards resistance at 8325 and 8400.
JoelAfter undergoing a fairly intense drop off from the 85.50 area several days back, the market looks to have finally found some support by the bottom of the daily Ichimoku cloud and could be in the process of carving out some form of a base. Look for setbacks to continue to be well supported in the 80.00’s with only a close back below 79.50 to give reason for concern. From here we see the risks for a fresh upside extension back towards the recent range highs at 85.50 over the coming days.
US Dollar / Canadian Dollar
052011FXTW_body_usdcad.png, FX Technical Weekly
Prepared by Jamie Saettele, CMT
JamieThe USDCAD has traded above its prior month high for the first time since May 2010. The rally reversed however at the 100% extension of the rally from the low and channel resistance. With the rally in 3 waves, it is possible that the larger trend remains down (or a flat or triangle similar to patterns in the other commodity currencies). Trading above 9793 would trigger the alternate bearish count in which the rally is a series of 1st and 2nd waves. This is an extremely bullish count and focus would then shift to 9975.
JoelThe market has finally managed to mount a nice recovery since basing out by fresh multi-month lows in the 0.9400’s and could be in the process of attempting to establish a more meaningful base. The latest break and close back above 0.9700 triggers an inverse H&S pattern that now projects additional gains towards parity over the coming days. Look for setbacks to now be well supported above 0.9600 on a daily close basis.
US Dollar / Swiss Franc
052011FXTW_body_usdchf.png, FX Technical Weekly
Prepared by Jamie Saettele, CMT
Jamie – A close look at the USDCHF rally from the low reveals a 5 wave structure, which may compose the first leg of a larger bull move. At the moment, it is possible that the secondary low (either wave 2 or B) is in place at 8750. Additional weakness would target the 61.8% retracement at 8702.
JoelStarting to show signs of basing off of the recently established record lows by 0.8550, with the market putting in a solid bullish close for two consecutive weeks and breaking back above the previous weekly high. Next key resistance comes in by 0.9000 and a break above will further confirm recovery structure and open the door for a move back towards a medium-term lower top at 0.9340. Look for any intraday setbacks to be well supported above 0.8700 on a daily close basis. Ultimately, only a daily close back below 0.8700 delays and gives reason for concern.
Euro / Japanese Yen
052011FXTW_body_eurjpy.png, FX Technical Weekly
Prepared by Jamie Saettele, CMT
Jamie – The EURJPY decline from 12332 is clearly in 3 waves (to this point) and the reversal near parallel channel support increases confidence in a bullish bias. Initial support has been reached today at 11560 but additional weakness early next week should find support at 11520 and 11480. Weakness below there would begin to suggest that I am wrong in looking for higher prices.
JoelThe latest sharp pullbacks into the 113.00’s have been intense, although the market has now found some formidable support by the previous resistance area now turned support. Look for a fresh medium-term higher low to carve out above 113.00 ahead of the next major upside extension back towards and eventually through the recent highs by 123.35. Tuesday’s break back above Monday’s high already encourages outlook, while only a daily close below 113.00 concerns.
Euro / British Pound
052011FXTW_body_eurgbp.png, FX Technical Weekly
Prepared by Jamie Saettele, CMT
Jamie – Focus remains on the 9158 objective, which intersects short term channel resistance on June 6th and longer term channel resistance on June 17th. Price must remain above 8672 in order for the proposed bullish scenario to remain valid. Any weakness below 8672 would shift focus to the February high at 8592 and then the March low at 8460.
JoelThe latest break back above key medium-term resistance by 0.8940 may have proven to be a false break with the market sharply reversing back into the 0.8600’s thus far ahead of the latest minor bounce. From here, look for a lower top below 0.8900 and break back below 0.8670 to expose an even deeper setback and bearish resumption towards 0.8500. Any rallies should now be well capped ahead of 0.8900.
Jamie Saettele publishes Daily Technicals every weekday morning, COT analysis (published Monday), technical analysis of currency crosseson Wednesday and Friday (Euro and Yen crosses), and intraday trading strategy as market action dictates at the DailyFX Forex Stream. A graduate of Bucknell University, he holds the Chartered Market Technician (CMT) designation from the Market Technician Association. He is the author of Sentiment in the Forex Market. Send requests to receive his reports via email to
If you wish to receive Joel’s reports in a more timely fashion, and you will be added to the distribution list.
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Interest Rate Differentials Rule The FX Market in Sweden

n 2010, it became clear that developed nations were all going to emerge from the recession of 2008 at various velocities. As this discrepancy between various nations became clear, speculators began taking positions according to who would be raising interest rates and who would be keeping interest rates artificially low for an extended period of time.

The United States and Japan have proved to be the two slowest moving countries in terms of returning monetary policy back to normal. Australia, New Zeland, and Sweden, on the other hand, are among those developed nations which initiated strong tightening cycles during 2010 and into 2011. And, of course, each of these currencies has rallied significantly versus the dollar and yen as speculators and financial traders shift capital out of low yielding assets into higher yielding assets due to increased risk appetite, which is a result of continued global economic recovery.

The Swedish Krona

The krona recently rose to 2 ½ year Highs versus the U.S. dollar as the Riksbank raised its short-term interest rate target by 25 basis points from 1.50 to 1.75. “The Riksbank is still expected to hike rates at every meeting this year, so the Swedish krona is still a good buy,” said John Hydeskov, chief analyst at Danske Bank A/S in London. “There’s scope for the krona to accelerate further.”

The Swedish Riksbank has been forced to begin raising rates due to uncomfortably high inflation rates. The economy grew by 5.5 percent in 2010, and experts predict the economy will continue to expand by 4.6 percent in 2011. Currently, inflation is sitting at about 3.2 percent, compared to the February prediction of 2.5 percent. The fact that inflation is creeping higher so fast has forced the Riksbank to take action by raising short-term interest rates in an attempt to curb higher inflation. The trading spread has remained consistent at most forex brokers.

Follow the Money Trail

Money managers around the world share the common goal of earning a strong return for customers, and this basic investing truism is why capital tends to flow out of lower yielding assets and into higher yielding assets. As long as the global recovery stays intact throughout the second half of 2011, the Swedish krona should continue to rise versus the U.S. dollar as the Federal Reserve continues to keep artificially low interest rate policy in place.

As you can see in the chart above, in currency trading the krona has moved higher versus the dollar throughout the first quarter of 2011, largely based on the interest rate rise. The Riksbank has been quite forward with the fact that they will consider raising rates at every remaining meeting in 2011, which means the currency could be sitting at 2.5 percent by first quarter 2012, while analysts expect the U.S. dollar to still be under 2 percent during the same timeframe.

If inflation begins to rise more aggressively in Sweden, the central bank could be forced to take a more aggressive interest rate stance, which could include a more aggressive tightening schedule, which would most likely drive further gains into the krona.
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Should You Trade FX Or Stocks?

Forex Vs. Blue ChipsThe foreign exchange market is the world's largest financial market, accounting for more than $4 trillion in average traded value each day as of 2011. Many traders are attracted to the forex market because of its high liquidity, around-the-clock trading and the amount of leverage that is afforded to participants.
Blue chips, on the other hand, are stocks from well-established and financially sound companies. These stocks are generally able to operate profitably during challenging economic conditions, and have a history of paying dividends. Blue chips are generally considered to be less volatile than many other investments, and are often used to provide steady growth potential to investors' portfolios.
VolatilityVolatility is a measure of short-term price fluctuations. While some traders, particularly short-term and day traders, rely on volatility in order to profit from quick price swings in the market, other traders are more comfortable with less volatile and less risky investments. As such, many short-term traders are attracted to the forex markets, while buy-and-hold investors may prefer the stability offered by blue chips.
LeverageLeverage is another consideration. In the United States, investors generally have access to 2:1 leverage for stocks. The forex market offers a substantially higher leverage of up to 50:1, and in parts of the world even higher leverage is available. Is all this leverage a good thing? Not necessarily. While it certainly provides the springboard to build equity with a very small investment - forex accounts can be opened with as little as $100 - leverage can just as easily destroy a trading account.
Trading HoursAnother consideration in choosing a trading instrument is the time period that each is traded. Trading sessions for stocks are limited to exchange hours, generally 9:30am to 4pm Eastern Standard Time, Monday through Friday with the exception of market holidays. The forex market, on the other hand, remains active round-the-clock from 5pm EST Sunday, through 5pm EST Friday, opening in Sydney, then traveling around the world to Tokyo, London and New York. The flexibility to trade during U.S. Asian and European markets, with good liquidity virtually any time of day, is an added bonus to traders whose schedules would otherwise limit their trading activity.
Forex Vs. IndexesStock market indexes are a combination of similar stocks, which can be used as a benchmark for a particular portfolio or the broad market. In the U.S. financial markets, major indexes include the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), the Nasdaq Composite Index, the Standard & Poor's 500 Index (S&P 500) and the Russell 2000. The indexes provide traders and investors with an important method of gauging the movement of the overall market.
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Rupee ends flat on late dollar demand

MUMBAI: Paring all of its initial gains, the rupee closed flat today at 44.43/44 against the US currency due to late dollar demand from importers, in tandem with local equities amid increased capital outflows.
At the Interbank Foreign Exchange (Forex) market, the domestic currency opened strong at 44.29/30 a dollar from its last close of 44.43/44 and immediately touched a high of 44.25 in line with early rebound in equities.
However, fall in local shares pulled it down to settle at overnight closing level of 44.43/44.
"Rupee started on a positive note in the morning, but lost its steam in the afternoon trade, mostly due to pressure from high dollar demand by oil importing companies and weak stock market," Alpari Forex (India) CEO Pramit Brahmbhatt said.
"However, dollar's weakness in the international market, prevented further weakening of rupee. The trading range for the USD/INR will be between 44.30-44.70 tomorrow," he added.
Extending losses for the fourth straight session, the Bombay Stock Exchange benchmark Sensex today closed down by nearly 157 points, or 0.81 per cent, to settle at 19,292.
Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs) sold shares worth USD 425.97 million in three sessions since April 25, which also weighed on the rupee in the later part of the day.
Late dollar demand from importers, mainly oil refiners, to meet their monthly requirements too put pressure on the rupee, surrendering its initial gains.
Meanwhile, New York crude was trading above USD 113 a barrel, while London brent crude was quoting below USD 125 a barrel today.
The rupee premium for the forward dollar continued to rule weak on sustained receivings by exporters. The benchmark six-month forward dollar premium payable in September settled down at 132-134 paise from 135-136 paise Wednesday.
Far-forward contracts maturing in March also concluded lower at 285-287-1/2 paise from previous close of 288-290 paise.
The Reserve Bank of India has fixed the reference rate for the dollar at Rs 44.33 and the euro at Rs 65.78.
The rupee dropped further against the pound sterling to end at Rs 74.00/02 from Wednesday's close of Rs 73.57/59 and remained weak against the euro to Rs 65.77/79 from Rs 65.20/22 in the previous session.
It, however, fell back against the Japanese yen to Rs 54.38/40 per 100 yen from its last close of Rs 54.05/07.

Auto, banking stocks lead rally

The key benchmark indices extended gains for the second straight day as bargain hunting emerged after recent steep slide. Gains in European stocks also supported Indian stocks. But, political uncertainty pulled the market off highs after a sharp intraday surge on reports that a court has ordered arrest of Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK) party MP Kanimozhi in the 2G scam spectrum case. The DMK is a part of the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government at the Centre. The BSE 30-share Sensex was up 184.69 points or 1.02%, off close to 105 points from the day's high and up about 165 points from the day's low.
The market gained for the second straight day today, 20 May 2011, after tumbling to eight-week closing low on Wednesday, 18 May 2011. The market breadth was positive.
Cigarette maker ITC fell on profit taking after the firm reported good Q4 results. Index heavyweight Reliance Industries (RIL) nudged higher in volatile trade. Shares of oil exploration major ONGC declined on reports the government has hiked the contribution of upstream oil companies towards fuel subsidies for revenue losses suffered by oil retailers (PSU OMCs) on fuel sales to 38.7% from current 33.33%. Shares of PSU OMCs rose. Realty shares gained on bargain hunting after recent losses. Auto, banking and metal stocks also rose.
Engineering and construction major Larsen & Toubro surged near 4% after jumping close to 6% on Thursday after company said at the time of announcing Q4 March 2011 results during trading hours on Thursday that it is well positioned to sustain the revenue growth momentum in the medium term.
The market edged higher in early trade. The Sensex soon extended initial gains. The market held firm in morning trade. Stocks remained firm in mid-morning trade. The market pared gains later as many Asian equities reversed initial gains. The market soon came off lows. The market firmed up further in early afternoon trade. The market surged to hit fresh intraday high in mid-afternoon trade. The market pared gains in late trade after reports that a special Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has ordered arrest of DMK MP Kanimozhi and Kalaignar TV MD Sharad Kumar after rejecting their bail pleas in the 2G spectrum case.
The court directed that 43-year-old Kanimozhi and Kumar should be produced before it at 10:00 IST tomorrow, when the case comes up for hearing. The 2G spectrum scam relates to irregularities in the allocation of airwaves to telecom companies that caused huge losses to the exchequer.
The BSE 30-share Sensex was up 184.69 points or 1.02% to 18,326.09. The index gained 288.07 points at the day's high of 18,429.47 in mid-afternoon trade. The Sensex rose 19.98 points at the day's low of 18,161.38 in early trade.
The S&P CNX Nifty was up 56.25 points or 1.04% to 5,484.35.
The BSE Mid-Cap index rose 0.61% and the BSE Small-Cap index gained 0.49%. Both these indices underperformed the Sensex.
BSE clocked turnover of Rs. 2764 crore, higher than Rs. 2432.79 crore on Thursday, 19 May 2011.
The market breadth, indicating the health of the market, was positive. On BSE, 1548 shares gained while 1288 shares declined. A total of 117 shares remained unchanged. The breadth was much stronger at the onset of the trading session.
From 30-member Sensex pack, 27 shares gained while three of them declined.
Cigarette maker ITC fell 1.82% on profit taking after reporting good Q4 results. The company announced during market hours today that net profit rose 24.63% to Rs. 1281.48 crore on 16.53% rise in total income to Rs. 6062.15 crore in Q4 March 2011 over Q4 March 2010. The company's board recommended a dividend of Rs. 2.80 per share for the year ended March 2011. The board has also recommended a special dividend of Rs. 1.65 per share.
The ITC stock had witnessed a pre-result rally on expectations of good results. It had risen 12.78% to Rs. 189.25 on Thursday, 19 May 2011, from a recent low of Rs. 167.80 on 18 March 2011.
Index heavyweight Reliance Industries (RIL) rose 0.71% to Rs. 921.40. The stock hit high of Rs. 925 and low of Rs. 910.50. The company is reportedly negotiating with US-based finance company American Express to form a joint venture that could offer services such as payment gateways.
Shares of upstream oil companies -- ONGC, Oil India and GAIL (India) declined on reports the government has hiked the contribution of upstream oil companies towards fuel subsidies for revenue losses suffered by oil retailers (PSU OMCs) on fuel sales to 38.7% from current 33.33%. India's largest oil exploration firm by sales Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) lost 1.17% on reports its subsidy burden will aggregate Rs. 24892 crore in the year ended March 2011 (FY 2011). ONGC chairman reportedly said today that additional subsidy burden may create some problem for company's share sale.
Oil India fell 0.86%. Reportedly, the company's subsidy burden will total Rs. 3293 crore in FY 2011. GAIL (India) shed 0.34% on reports the company's subsidy burden will total Rs. 2111 crore in FY 2011.
Upstream companies and explorers have to sell crude oil and products at a discount to PSU OMCs, which sell fuel at government-capped prices.
Shares of PSU OMCs rose. HPCL, BPCL and Indian Oil Corporation gained by between 0.46% to 1.43%
Realty shares gained on bargain hunting after recent losses. Orbit Corporation, Housing Development and Infrastructure (HDIL), Indiabulls Real Estate, Ackruti City, Sobha Developers, Anant Raj Industries and DLF rose by between 0.63% to 2.5%.
Metal stocks also rose on bargain hunting. Sterlite Industries Sail, Jindal Steel & Power, Hindalco Industries and Nalco rose by between 0.01% to 1.64%. LMEX, a gauge of six metals traded on the London Metal Exchange, fell 1.72% on Thursday, 19 May 2011.
Tata Steel rose 2.76%. The company said after market hours today that it has proposed a restructuring of its long products business in Europe to target high value markets and introduce greater flexibility into its costs and operations. To support this strategy, Tata Steel plans to invest 400 million pounds over a five-year period.
The company said its long products business has continued to make losses over the last two years. As a consequence the business has proposed a plan to further reduce costs, focus on products that create value and improve its ability to respond quickly to demand fluctuations. This strategy includes a proposal to close or mothball parts of the Scunthorpe plant and puts at risk 1,200 jobs at Scunthorpe and 300 jobs at its Teesside sites, Tata Steel said in a release.
India's largest engineering and construction firm by sales Larsen & Toubro surged 3.57% and was the top gainer from the Sensex pack. The stock extended Thursday's 5.92% surge triggered by positive order book and revenue outlook. L&T said at the time of announcing Q4 March 2011 results during trading hours on Thursday that it is well positioned to sustain the revenue growth momentum in the medium term given its excellent execution capabilities, presence in diverse sectors of the economy, a healthy order book and leadership position in most of the sectors where it operates.
Larsen & Toubro (L&T)'s net profit rose 17.25% to Rs. 1686.21 crore on 12.74% increase in net sales to Rs. 15078.39 crore in Q4 March 2011 over Q4 March 2010. Net profit fell 9.54% to Rs. 3957.89 crore on 18.60% rise in net sales to Rs. 43495.93 crore in the year ended March 2011 over the year ended March 2010. On a consolidated basis, the company's net profit declined 18.25% to Rs. 4456.17 crore on 18.47% increase in net sales to Rs. 51552.03 crore in the year ended March 2011 over the year ended March 2010.
As on 31 March 2011, the company's order book stood at Rs. 130217 crore, which is almost 3 times its net sales of Rs. 43495.93 crore for the year ended March 2011, giving strong revenue visibility. The company's order inflow rose 27% in Q4 March 2011. The company said the completion of the several expansion projects underway will strengthen its position of pre-eminence in its various businesses. The company also said that intense competition and spiraling input costs may exert some pressure on the operating margin going forward.
Among other capital goods stocks, Thermax, Bhel, Siemens and Praj Industries rose by between 0.36% to 1.78%.
India's largest thermal power generation firm Tata Power Company rose 1.67% after the company's board of directors approved a 10-for-1 stock split. Consolidated net profit after statutory appropriations declined 29.8% to Rs. 661.54 crore on 4% growth in revenue to Rs. 4985.84 crore in Q4 March 2011 over Q4 March 2011. The company attributed the decline in profit mainly to lower forex gains.
Shares of Reliance Anil Dhirubhai Ambani (ADA) group edged higher on bargain hunting after recent decline. Reliance Infrastructure (up 2.73%), Reliance Capital (up 1.15%), Reliance Power (up 3.02%), Reliance MediaWorks (up 2.88%) and Reliance Communications (up 0.84%), rose.
IT stocks also rose in a firm market. India's largest software services exporter TCS gained 1%. India's third largest software exporter Wipro added 0.84%. India's second largest software services exporter Infosys gained 0.15%
Banking stocks rose on bargain hunting after recent losses. Bank of India, Bank of Baroda and Punjab National Bank rose by between 0.22% to 2.27%.
India's second largest private sector bank by net profit HDFC Bank rose 1.97%. The bank raised its base rate by 55 basis points (bps) to 9.25% per annum and prime lending rate (PLR) by 50 bps to 17.75% effective 12 May 2011.
India's largest private sector bank by net profit ICICI Bank, gained 1.33% after the bank announced before market hours today that it has successfully priced issue of 5.5 year $1 billion international bond offering. The bonds carry a coupon rate of 4.75%.
India's largest commercial bank by branch network State Bank of India (SBI) fell 0.24%, as the stock turned ex-dividend today, 20 May 2011, for dividend of Rs. 30 per share for the year ended March 2011. The SBI shares has tumbled recently on weak Q4 results. Net profit slumped 98.88% to Rs. 20.88 crore on 18.07% rise in total income to Rs. 26536.84 crore in Q4 March 2011 over Q4 March 2010. The result hit the market during trading hours on Tuesday, 17 May 2011.
SBI's net profit declined sharply as provisions for non-performing assets jumped 49.2% to Rs. 3263.91 crore in Q4 March 2011 over Q4 March 2010. A sharp surge in tax provision to Rs. 1901.85 crore from Rs. 977.88 crore in Q4 March 2010 pulled down the profit to a measly figure in Q4 March 2011.
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on Thursday said it has decided to discontinue the second liquidity adjustment facility for banks held every fortnight effective from 20 May 2011. The RBI allows banks to meet their cash shortfall by borrowing or parking surplus money with it through two windows on every reporting Friday. The move to discontinue the second liquidity adjustment facility comes after the RBI introduced the marginal standing facility (MSF), where banks can borrow from it at 8.25%. The MSF rate is one percentage point higher than the RBI's key lending rate.
Auto stocks also rose on bargain hunting after recent losses. India's largest car maker by sales Maruti Suzuki India rose 0.59%.
India's second largest bike maker by sales Bajaj Auto rose 3.05%, with the stock gaining for the second straight day after the company announced during market hours on Wednesday that net profit surged 164.89% to Rs. 1400.39 crore on 23.54% rise in total income to Rs. 4199.97 crore in Q4 March 2011 over Q4 March 2010. The stock had lost 1.65% on Wednesday.
Huge extraordinary (EO) income boosted Bajaj Auto's net profit in Q4 March 2011. Bajaj Auto said that in Q4 March 2011 sales tax deferral incentive/loan to the extent eligible under Rule 84 of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Rules, 2005, has been prepaid at a discounted value of Rs. 368 crore, thereby resulting in a surplus of Rs. 827 crore. Meanwhile, considering the longer gestation period and initial losses made in PT. Bajaj Auto Indonesia, the company has written of an impairment amount of Rs. 102 crore as a diminution in the value of investment in Q4 March 2011.
India's largest truck maker by sales Tata Motors rose 1.27%, with the stock gaining for the second straight day. The company's global sales rose 12% to 87,114 units in April 2011 over April 2010 on good demand for both commercial and passenger vehicles. The company unveils its year ended March 2011 result on 26 May 2011.
India's top bike maker by sales Hero Honda Motors gained 0.78%. Recent reports indicated the company is evolving strategies for branding, resource allocation for exports and identifying potential overseas markets to export its bikes following the break-up with its long-standing joint venture partner Japan's Honda Motor Company. The joint venture pact had barred Hero Honda Motors from exporting two-wheelers to countries where Honda sells bikes and scooters.
India's largest tractor maker by sales Mahindra & Mahindra (M&M) added 2.07%, with the stock gaining for the second straight day. The company unveils its year ended March 2011 result on 30 May 2011.
Ashok Leyland jumped 5.25%, extending Thursday's 4.18% surge triggered by strong Q4 results. Net profit rose 33.93% to Rs. 298.22 crore on 30.3% rise in total income to Rs. 3832.64 crore in Q4 March 2011 over Q4 March 2010.
Resurgence Mines clocked highest volume of 1.77 crore on BSE. Birla Cotsyn (1.2 crore shares), Paramount Printpackaging (80.30 lakh shares), Cals Refineries (74.03 lakh shares) and HFCL (49.06 lakh shares) were the other volume toppers in that order.
Larsen & Toubro clocked highest turnover of Rs. 152.32 crore on BSE. Kirloskar Industries (Rs 143.63 crore), State Bank of India (Rs 129.65 crore), Tata Coffee (Rs 87.86 crore) and Kirloskar Pneumatic (Rs 80.79 crore) were the other turnover toppers in that order.
The Q4 March 2011 results announced so far have been a mixed bag. The combined net profit of a total of 2250 companies rose 16,5% to Rs. 65908 crore on 22.5% rise in sales to Rs. 699181 crore in Q4 March 2011 over Q4 March 2010.
On the macro front, the food price index rose 7.47% and the fuel price index climbed 12.11% in the year to 7 May 2011, government data showed on Thursday. In the previous week, annual food and fuel inflation stood at 7.70% and 12.25% respectively. The primary articles price index was up 10.94%, compared with an annual rise of 11.96% a week earlier.
State-run oil marketing companies hiked petrol rates by a steep Rs. 5 per litre late last week. Expectations are that the government may soon let oil retailers increase diesel and cooking fuel prices as well. If diesel price is hiked, it could further stoke inflationary pressure in the economy -- diesel being a key transportation fuel. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) at its annual 2011-2012 monetary policy review on 3 May 2011 said it will continue with its anti-inflationary stance. Short-term sacrifices in economic growth will have to be made to rein in surging prices, the central bank said.
European markets gave up initial gains and were mixed on Friday. The key benchmark indices in Germany and France were down by between 0.21% to 0.55%. UK's FTSE 100 rose 0.16%.
Most Asian stocks edged lower in volatile trade on Friday with the Japanese market capped by caution about the economic outlook and losses in the utilities sector. The key benchmark indices in China, Japan, Singapore and Taiwan fell by between 0.04% to 0.63%. The key benchmark indices in Hong Kong, Indonesia, and South Korea rose by between 0.16% to 0.76%.
The Bank of Japan kept its policy interest-rate target steady at its meeting Friday, held off on announcing any new easing steps, and stuck to its view that the economy will pick up speed later this year as the nation recovers from the March disaster.
Trading in US index futures indicated that the Dow could fall 33 points at the opening bell on Friday, 20 May 2011. US index futures moved between the gains and losses.
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Do Global Trends Favor Forex Trading for the Long Term?

Trading currencies is all about speculation, and speculation is all about making the most of market volatility to secure short-term gains. Individual traders have learned that betting on fundamental trends in the forex market is better left to the large hedge funds and international banks that have poured inordinate resources into funding broad-based research activities. Attempting to compete on this level is spurious at best, but when long-term global trends are expected to last for many years to come, perhaps, a review of potential opportunities might prove advantageous.
Decades of off shoring activities, the favored cost cutting ritual employed by Western companies for the past forty years, has dramatically shifted the world’s manufacturing base to China and its surrounding neighbors in Asia. The IMF confirmed these trends in its “World Economic Outlook”, released in April 2010, and projected them to continue unabated for the next five years. Emerging market real GDP growth rates will double or even treble similar rates in developed countries. Investors that jumped on the emerging-market bandwagon at the turn of the century have profited handsomely, but recent attention and demand have made current investors wary of near-term returns. Many have exited the arena, awaiting an anticipated market correction of price levels.
The most compelling evidence for the impact of these global trends may be found in the following chart within the IMF report:
Forex currency money and graphThe Red line represents the real GDP growth experienced in and projected for the emerging and developing economies of the world. A divergence from the advanced economies in 1990 is evident, and the eye can easily draw a trend line for the Red data that is positively sloped and improving over time. The opposite is true for the Blue line, the metric for North America and Europe. Recession was present here, and the trend line favors a negative or declining slope posture. GDP forecasts for the Western world for the next five years are below 2.5%, the level necessary to generate jobs for new entrants into the workforce.
What are expectations after 2015? The Global Research division of Standard Chartered PLC, a leading international bank with over 90% of its profits in Asia, responded with their own research last November, a 152-page tome entitled “The Super-Cycle Report”. Their economists took the foundation provided by the IMF and extrapolated their vision out to the year 2030. They foresee enormous global growth over the period, exemplified by volatility as the world accommodates the emergence of a new world order. They forecast that China will overtake the United States as the leading economic power in 2020, and nearly double the U.S. output by 2030.
The anticipated transition is portrayed in the table below:
According to the report, China will be the clear winner due to its comparatively faster growth and expected appreciation of its currency by 25%. India, which is not even ranked in the Top Ten above, will also ascend to take over a solid third position, favored by its young population demographics and prevailing higher growth rates.
Gerald Lyons, the lead economist for the group, stated in an interview with Bloomberg that, “We believe that the world is in a ‘super-cycle’ of sustained high growth. The scale of change over the next 20 years will be enormous.” He went on to add that the China economy “is “unbalanced” and faces considerable risks, including a widening of imbalances, asset bubbles, over-capacity and rising bad loans which could lead to a serious decline.” Inflation is already a concern today.
Currencies will also play a dramatic role in this transition, taking center stage as international trade puts pressure on attempts to peg or fix exchange rates. The Chinese Renminbi is expected to strengthen to 4.39 to the Dollar, as opposed to 6.57 today. The Rupee will also follow suit, strengthening from 45.5 to 34.0 by 2030.
How can a forex trader use this information to his or her advantage? Trading currencies is all about speculation, and volatility always augurs well for the speculator. The current forecast suggests a constant rollercoaster ride. Trading opportunities will be plentiful if and when these forecasted conditions pan out.
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